Tuesday, July 27, 2010

38 Weeks - Waitin'

Just had another check-up to check progress and go over ultrasound results. The doctor said I am now 2 centimeters dilated, still 70% effaced, and the baby's head is at -3 station - still pretty high up there. Not much progress, but sometimes childbirth is not a gradual thing...hopefully I'll be like my mom and have a four hour labor from first contraction to baby!

As far as the baby's weight, the doctor didn't seem too concerned. Fortunately, the doctors I see share my philosophy- the less intervention, the better. They won't induce until I'm 41 weeks, as they like to avoid it because inductions usually result in more C-sections, which they also like to avoid. So I feel way better knowing they aren't going to force this baby out of me any time soon, but we would like him to come on his own within the next week or two (and she's really hoping before or around my due date.) So she gave me lots of pointers on how to get the labor going, such as walking, long showers, etc. etc.

She also made me feel good about my weight gain, which I was concerned about, as there was a part of me that felt like I had made my baby so chubby! But she reassured me that my weight gain was great (35 pounds, right on track) and, much to my surprise, I hadn't gained any in the past few weeks. I guess when your fingers and toes look like sausages and your ankles disappear you start to wonder...

So, we continue to wait. I am definitely trying to enjoy these last few days of pregnancy. I am going to miss it a lot, but hopefully God will enable us to travel this amazing road again! I also want to enjoy having this little boy all to myself - he is going to be so showered with love and attention when he gets out, I think I might miss him! But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Next appointment is a week from today. Let's hope I miss it :)

1 comment:

  1. I was induced since my doctor was worried because as I got closer to my due date, I was not dilated or effaced! :) He was due Jan. 27th, but I think he was holding out to see his uncle! :) My doctor waited a little and I think would have given a few more days.

    I gained about the same by the end of my pregnancy. From the pictures you post, you look really good! :)
