Monday, July 5, 2010

33 Weeks - It's starting!

At 33 weeks, I went in for a check-up, and wouldn't you know, the little guy's heart rate was high AGAIN. This time, the doctor (a different one), said pretty much right away, "Looks like someone just woke up." So she listened to him for awhile, and not only could you see my belly squirming, you could hear him squirming on the doppler. After a minute or two, she got his heart rate back down in the normal range, and she concluded that he is just one of those babies that gets a little "excited" when he is unexpectedly woken up. Grreeeaaatt...sounds like another guy I know .... ;)

After I told her about the contractions I'd been having, she checked me and I was dilated one centimeter and am already 70% effaced, and the little guy is still head down. Sounds like my body has started preparing for the journey of labor!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! He is getting ready! Jakob sure took his sweet time, lol~ Excited for you still and can't wait to see pictures of your little precious boy!
