Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seven weeks-Christmas Surprise!

When I was seven weeks, three days pregnant with Baby Dalton, Jimmy and I made our trek to Detroit for Christmas. We had not yet told Jimmy's family our wonderful news, so with a couple tiny snow white lies, we hid the fact that we our road trip began with an appointment in Alexandria to check on Baby.

Our ultrasound looked great, with our baby's heart flickering at about 160 bpms. We told our doctor that we were going to show Jimmy's family the picture as our way of breaking the news, and she was kind enough to type "Merry Christmas" next to the baby.
When we finally arrived in Detroit (after an eleven hour drive) we hung a mini-person stocking on the mantle with the others and put the ultrasound picture in it. Then, we waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, with a lot of coaxing, Jimmy's mom, Rose, was the first to peak inside and find her first Christmas present.

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